Shoot Positivity Out of Your Butthole

Not just today. Not just in spite of the horrible events that have recently occurred in Orlando, FL. But because these horrible events keep happening, and there is no plausible way to stop them all together in one giant twitter movement. You know how we can change the world and make it a little better?

By being positive and kind in any little moment we can. Take all your strife and hardships and tackle it and mold it until it resembles something shiny and new and somewhat helpful. Buy a stranger a coffee. Smile at a cat if you don’t like cats. Or if you do like cats. Have a pleasant conversation with someone you don’t always get along with. Spend time with loved ones. Even if you’re both in sour moods– no, especially if you’re both feeling rotten. Take that rottenness and watch a crappy reality TV show or one of those one-star made for Netflix movies together and make fun of it. In a twisted way that is positivity.

It’s nearly impossible to be happy all the time. As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression I know this all too well. We all have moments of ups and downs and honestly the downs seem to impact us far more. So we walk around carrying our shitbuckets (not real shitbuckets, metaphorical ones) dumping shit into everyone we interact with’s shitbuckets creating a whole lot of negativity and a god awful metaphorical smell.

So turn that negative shit into positive shit. Do as the title suggests. Or maybe do it in a more reasonable, less vulgar way. But this is how we can truly change the lives around us. No, this isn’t going to fix outrageous gun laws. And yes, that is a problem that needs to be addressed. But it’s not one we can necessarily do anything about individually. We can spread the word, that is doing something. But lets also look at building up the world around us one smile at a time.

2 thoughts on “Shoot Positivity Out of Your Butthole

  1. Write every day. Don’t get used to carrying your shit bucket though. You’ll get used to the smell but those around you will always smell it.


  2. The violence and hate in the world will never stop. There’s people who are products of their upbringing. Watching their homes be destroyed, their home towns being blown to rubble, loved ones kidnapped, being forced into fighting for a religion they were raised on, being kidnapped themselves…. the list goes on. A religion that once had good intentions, but twisted and modified to control people and benefit the ones who twist them. And there are people who use religion as an excuse or reason to unleash their hatred onto others. The fact that you point out individuality and responsibility as an individual to make decisions, right or wrong, that can impact and spread among others is where it begins. Smiling at someone or buying a stranger a coffee can spread further than what you initially see. Being a good person and doing good deeds can go a long way, whether you can see the impact first hand or not. It doesn’t change the world as a whole, but it’s the least we can do as individuals. Compassion! There will always be wars, people controlling others, un-fixable people who were raised to hate and seek revenge or respect. The main point is how we respond to these tragedies. Either become scared, or come together, be stronger, and unite. After every tragedy people unite and show that there’s more good people in the world than evil. Whether mental illness was a factor in the recent events, they still happen, but like you said, at the end of the day, you are you, and being the best you can be is the best you can do.

    On a personal note, being depressed and having anxiety could either be biological, and/or situational, but it takes a strong person to seek help and overcome these thoughts and feelings. There’s nothing worse than trying to crawl out of a rut, but you have people who love you and systems/programs in place and are obligated to throw you a rope and get you out of these ruts. They say the most anxious and depressed people are the one that care most, maybe even care too much. You’re a very caring person…. compassionate and empathetic. Probably the most compassionate person I’ve come across. Use it! The world can be a cruel place, but it’s also very beautiful and full of great people. Focus on the pros, learn from the cons, and live the beautiful life you’ve been given. Keep writing and keep your chin up. Keep caring, keep loving, keep being compassionate and just keep on!! Keep being you.

    Ps. your vocabulary and they way you express your thoughts is admirable.

    I look forward to reading more!!


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